Sacha Inchi Nuts

What is Sacha Inchi?

Sacha Inchi is a super nutritious plant that has been consumed by the indigenous communities of the Amazon for thousands of years. It originated as a wild food source and is now being grown more widely on farms.

The plant grows as a vine that can reach up to 2 meters in height, producing star-shaped pods that contain small, edible seeds. Sacha Inchi seeds have mild flavor and nutty taste.

In recent years, this little nut has gained attention due to its high nutritional value and has been marketed as a superfood. It is packed with protein and healthy omega fatty acids, along with a range of essential amino acids and nutrients.

Organic Roasted Sacha Inchi Nuts

Rich in nutrients

  • Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 Fatty Acids
  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
  • Protein
  • Antioxidants
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • Fiber

Sacha Inchi, rich in Omega fatty acids, particularly Alpha-linolenic Acid (ALA), is one of the best sources of plant-based Omega-3 oils in the world.

While there are many omega oils derived from animals, those meat sources typically contain saturated fats and carnitine, both linked to heart disease. In contrast, plant-based Omega-3s have been used to prevent heart attacks, lower high blood pressure, and reverse the hardening of blood vessels. ALA is also thought to help maintain a normal heart rhythm and heart pumping.


1. Metabolic Health

It may improve lipid profile, lower blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and inflammation.

2. Heart Health

It clears harmful substances from the blood and prevents heart disease.

3. Immune Health

It contains vitamins and minerals that can help support immune function, such as vitamin E, vitamin A, and zinc.

4. Brain Health

It increases blood flow to the brain and improves memory performance.

5. Weight Management

It is rich in protein and fiber to regulate appetite, can decrease food cravings, and help control weight.

6. Bone and Joint Health

It is a good source of calcium, important for maintaining strong bones and preventing osteoporosis.

7. Vision Health

The vitamin E, vitamin A, and omegas in Sacha Inchi can improve vision and maintain eye health.

8. Skin and Hair Health

Omega-3 fatty acids are vital for healthy hair
and skin.

Recommended for:

People with cardiovascular conditions

People with high cholesterol

People with high blood pressure

Individuals with inflammation conditions Students

Weight management

Vegetarians and vegans

Quality Assurance and Awards

  • Sacha Inchi oil was awarded the gold medal for excellent organoleptic qualities at the World Edible Oils competition in Paris in 2004.

  • It won the Médaille d'Or (Gold Medal) at the AVPA (Agency for the Valorization of Agricultural Products) Specialty Foods Commodities competition in Paris in 2007.

  • Sacha Inchi oil was awarded the gold medal for excellent organoleptic qualities at the World Edible Oils competition in Paris in 2004.

How to Use Sacha Inchi

  • The roasted seeds, featuring a mild, nutty flavor, can be enjoyed as is for a simple snack on the go.

  • Additionally, you can substitute them for other nuts in your diet, incorporating them into salads, trail mixes, or granola for added texture and nutrition.The roasted seeds, featuring a mild, nutty flavor, can be enjoyed as is for a simple snack on the go.

  • Meanwhile, the ground seeds are a key ingredient in plant-based protein powders, making them ideal for use in smoothies, baked goods, or energy bites for a nutritional boost.
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