Diamond Life

Transcend The Challenges of Aging & Stamina.

Strive For Your Desired Peak Performance.

With the finest nourishing

Diamond Life


Deer Antler & Cordyceps Capsule

(Not Available In Canada)

Synergy Effects

Among the three most valuable tonic herbs are deer antlers, which are referred to as the "King of Kidney Tonic" and cordyceps described as the "King of Chinese Medicine".

When combined, the synergistic effect is at its highest value.

The combination of

Deer Antler & Cordyceps:

  • Nourishes & enhances the kidneys.

  • Improve sexual dysfunction, increase sexual desire, prolong sexual life, improve erectile dysfunction, etc.


  • Promote blood circulation, relieve fatigue, improve body immunity and help resist various diseases.

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Deer Antler

Warm in nature and salty in taste, it enters the liver and kidney meridian and has the effects of strengthening kidney “Yang” , replenishing essence and blood, strengthening muscles and bones, regulating Chong and Ren meridian and relieving sores.

Cordyceps Sinensis

It is mild in nature and sweet in taste, and has the functions of nourishing the lungs and kidneys, relieving coughs, replenishing deficiency, and nourishing essence and qi.

*Both have no obvious toxic or side effects, and there is no conflict in their medicinal properties and efficacy, and they have similarities.

Deer Antler

Xifeng Natural Deer Farm, Liaoning Province 

Benefits of

Deer Antlers

• Improve sports performance 

• Increase energy

• Improve immune system functions

• Help manage emotional problems

• Enhance sexual desire (low libido)

• For erectile dysfunction

• Relieve discomfort from arthritis

• Aid in injury recovery

• Support bones health

• Enhance kidney and liver function

• Address anemia


Nagqu County, Tibet

Benefits of Cordyceps

• May have the potential to control type 2 diabetes

• Support in the treatment of chronic kidney disease

• May have potential benefits for liver function

• Potentially beneficial for heart health

• Lower cholesterol levels

• May help in addressing inflammation

• May provide potential relief for asthma

• Enhances physical performance

• Reduces physical fatigue

• Possess potential anti-aging effects

• Acts as an antioxidant and enhances  immune activities

• Provides potential protection to mitochondria

• Enhance brain function and potentially support sexual vitality

• Improves brain function and boosts sex drive

• Possess potential activities with anticancer properties

Deer Antlers










Prife’s Diamond Life Deer Antler & Cordyceps Capsule is a secret formula used in the ancient royal courts source of "Deer Antler Cordyceps Cream undergone 9 methods".

This refining formulated has been researched and clinical data by a professional team for a decade.

3 Principles of kidney replenishing

• Great combination with Deer Antler and Cordyceps

• Deer Antlers, Cistanche and Morinda, nourish the kidney and vitality

• Coupled with Cordyceps, Rehmannia, Wolfberry, and Raspberry, achieves the dual purpose of nourishing the lungs and kidneys 

The Advantage of Diamond Life


Authentic Ingredients

Our sourcing practices exemplify a commitment to quality and ethical standards. ensuring that all active ingredients and raw materials come from their places of origin to ensure the product's authenticity and purity.


Purity and Efficiency

We use cutting-edge extraction techniques to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of extracting medicinal ingredients from natural sources.


Unique Processing Method

Our products are crafted using a unique processing method that adheres to time-honored traditional Chinese medicine procedures, which have undergone 9 methods and 27 processes to ensure the best quality.


High Standards

The production is done in a highly controlled and pristine sterile clean room environment, ensuring the utmost hygiene and quality.

High Standards for Quality & Inspections

Recommended Usage Instructions

For health maintenance: 

4 capsules each time, twice a day in the morning and evening.

For enhancement purpose:

8 capsules each time; twice a day in the morning and evening.

*Avoid hot spicy foods and alcohol beverage 3 hours before & after consumption of Diamond Life.

*Not recommended for breastfeeding and pregnant women.

Who Needs It Most?

1. Middle Age & Senior People

2. People with irregular lifestyles and diets.

3. People with work pressure and stress.

4. People who often consume strong tea.

5. People who spend prolonged hours working on computers.

6. People who smoke and drink frequently.

7. People who sit for a long time.

8. Individuals with frequent sexual activity.

9. Individuals in the process of recovery from illness.

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