Brings Love to Geylang East Home, Singapore

Brings Love to Geylang East Home, Singapore

24th Dec 2023

On 24 December 2023, a wave of kindness washed over Geylang East Home for the elderly, brought lovingly by the Prife Foundation. The air buzzed with excitement as volunteers gathered with a common purpose: to bring joy and love to the hearts of the elderly.

Laughter and chatter filled the rooms as activities unfolded. Volunteers, young and old, shared stories and created an atmosphere of familial warmth. Meanwhile, we also use i-TeraCare, a product that helps to keep the elderly healthy and relieve their physical discomfort.

This event was not just a mere visit; it was a bridge connecting generations, a testament to the power of community. It showed that a simple act of kindness could turn an ordinary day into a treasure trove of cherished memories. 

With love and passion, the Prife Foundation will continuously actualize our mission of serving the community and providing support and help for those in need.

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